Case Results

Prior Case Results

Driving Under the Influence – Client charged with misdemeanor DUI after being stopped by the Illinois State Police on I-80 near Joliet.  RESULT – NOT GUILTY after trial despite Troopers testimony that client failed all performed field sobriety tests.  Client avoids any sentence for DUI and any revocation of his driving privileges.

Aggravated Driving Under the Influence – Client charged with felony dui after being involved in multi-vehcile accident.  RESULT – NOT GUILTY after trial despite video taped evidence and testimony of investigation police officer.

Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver – California resident with significant prior criminal history charged with a Class X felony after semi-trailer he was driving was searched and found to contain very large amounts of ecstacy and cannabis.  Most serious charge was a “super X” felony requiring a minimum mandatory prison sentence of 15 years served at 85%.  RESULTCASE REDUCED to a Class 1 Cannabis Possession only.  Client received a sentence of 5 years in the IDOC served at 50%.  Client avoided a minimum mandatory prison term of 15 years served at 85%.          

Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault – Federal police officer charged with sexually assaulting a relative over a period of time.  Client was charged with a Class X felony requiring a minimum mandatory sentence of 6 years in prison with a lifetime registration as a sex offender.   RESULT – NOT GUILTY after trial.  Client avoided any sentence of jail time and registration as a sex offender.

Felony Theft– Church parishioner charged with stealing money from Church.  RESULT – CONVICTION AVOIDED .  Client receives a disposition of Second Chance Probation and avoids jail time as well as the imposition of any criminal conviction.  Case can be expunged.

Delivery of Controlled Substance – local business owner charged with multiple counts of delivery of a controlled substance and possession with intent to deliver, the most serious of which was a Class X felony.  RESULTCASE REDUCED from mandatory prison offense to probation offense.  Client received a sentence of straight probation with no jail time.  Client avoided a minimum mandatory prison term of 6 years served at 85%.      

Driving under the influence – client charged with his second dui requiring a revocation of driving privileges.  RESULT – NOT GUILTY after trial.  Court excluded video-taped evidence that was not preserved despite a court order requiring it.

Aggravated driving under the influence – union worker charged with his 4th dui violation.  A conviction would require a mandatory prison sentence of no less than 3 years.  RESULT – NOT GUILTY after trial.  Client avoids any jail time, as well as a revocation of driving privileges.

Possession of Cannabis with Intent to Deliver – client was stopped for a minor traffic violation on I-80 in Joliet while driving a rental car with out of state plates.  RESULT – NOT GUILTY after trial.  Client avoids a mandatory felony conviction and can proceed to have his arrest and case expunged.

Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse – client, a minor, was charged with sexually abusing 2 other minors on different occasions.  Upon conviction, client was facing mandatory registration as a sex offender.  RESULT – CONVICTION AVOIDED.  Case negotiated for a disposition that avoids an adjudication of guilt, and further avoids any requirement to register as a sex offender.

Possession of Controlled Substance w/ Intent to Deliver – Client was charged with a Class X felony having been found in possession of in excess of 2 kilo’s of heroin. He was facing a minimum mandatory prison sentence of 15 years. RESULT – Client was found not guilty after trial and was completely acquitted of the charge.

Aggravated DUI w/ Death – Client charged with an aggravated DUI based upon the death of his passenger. He was facing between 3-14 years in prison. He also had a prior DUI. RESULT – Despite statutory presumption requiring a prison sentence, client received probation with NO jail time. He also was approved for the returning of driving privileges at his first hearing with the Secretary of State.

Controlled Substance Trafficking – Client charged with a Class X controlled substance trafficking and was facing a minimum mandatory sentence of 18 years in prison. RESULT – Client received a significant reduction of the charges via a negotiated settlement with the State and received TASC probation. This probation allows her to avoid a lifetime felony conviction and can have the case expunged.

Aggravated DUI w/ Great Bodily Harm – Client was involved in a serious car accident involving an on-duty Illinois State Trooper who suffered significant injuries. The DUI was based upon alcohol and drugs. RESULT – Client received straight probation with no jail time.

Possession of Controlled Substance w/ Intent to Deliver – Client was charged with a Class X felony having been found in possession of 19 grams of cocaine. He was facing a mandatory minimum 6 years in prison. He was also charged with two class 1 deliveries of cocaine. RESULT – After lengthy proceedings where the State was requiring a 4-5 year prison sentence, the case was ultimately resolved for straight probation. The client served no jail time.

Aggravated Domestic Battery – Client was charged with a Class 2 aggravated domestic battery based upon the allegation of strangulation to the victim. He was facing a minimum mandatory 60 day straight jail sentence. RESULT – Despite having a prior domestic battery conviction, case was reduced to a misdemeanor. Client received no jail time and avoided a felony conviction.

Obstruction of Justice – Client was charged with a felony obstructing justice case based upon the allegation that he fled from a State Police road block. RESULT – Client was acquitted of all charges after trial and is eligible to have his arrest expunged.

Possession of Cannabis with Intent to Deliver – client, an Ohio resident, stopped by Illinois State Police as he was traveling on I-80 for minor moving violation.  After a canine was used, the police search the vehicle and found large quantities of cannabis in the trunk.  RESULT – CASE DISMISSED after the filing of a motion to challenge the search of the car based upon a pro-longed detention without legal basis.

Driving Under the Influence – client stopped by Illinois State Police on I-55 for erractic driving. RESULT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial.

Driving Under the Influence – Client, a corporate executive, charged with DUI while driving home from a work function.  RESULT – NOT GUILTY after jury trial.  Client avoids any lose of driving privileges and avoids potential loss of employment.

Syndicated Gambling and Money Laundering – client, an owner of a local business, charged with multiple offenses including felony offenses of syndicated gambling and money laundering.  RESULT– NOT GUILTY after bench trial.  Client avoids felony convictions and the potential of a sentence to the department of corrections.

Aggravated Domestic Battery – client, a union worker in nuclear plants,  charged with class 2 felony of Aggravated Domestic Battery based upon great bodily harm.  Offense carrying a potential prison sentence of 3-7 years,  RESULT – NOT GUILTY after jury trial.  Client avoids any jail time, a lifetime criminal conviction and being banned from all nuclear facilities.

Possesson of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver – client charged with Class X drug case carrying a minimum prison sentence of 15 years after 2 kilos of heroin were found in the car he was driving after a traffic stop.  RESULT – MOTION TO SUPPRESS GRANTED. Trial judge found the search and seizure invalid. Case is in appellate court currently with the State seeking a reversal of decision.

Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse – client charged with Class 1 sexual abuse carrying a 4-15 mandatory prison sentence and lifetime registration as sex offender. DNA of client found in minor victim.  RESULT – CASE REDUCED to class 4 felony.  Client avoids prison sentence and lifetime sex offender registration.

Domestic Battery – client, a non-citizen, charged with the domestic battery of his teenage son.  Client facing mandatory conviction and potential removal from the United States.  RESULT – CASE DISMISSED after State provided evidence by the defense discrediting the teenage son’s version of the incident.

Hate Crime – client chareged with a hate crime from an incident involving a battery to the complaining witness.  RESULT – CASE DISMISSED after State provided evidence by the defense discrediting the complaining witnesses’ verson of the incident.

Arson – fireman charged with felony arson and criminal damage to property.  Facing lifetime felony conviction and registration as arsonist, as well as potential prison sentence.  RESULT – CASE REDUCED by the dismissal of the arson charge and placement on TASC probation for the criminal damage to property.  Client avoids a lifetime felony conviction, any jail sentence and registration as an arsonist.

Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver – young man charged with class X drug case.  Facing a mandatory minimum prison sentence ranging from 6 – 30 years served at 75%.  RESULT – CASE REDUCED to class 4 straight possession.  Client received straight probation and avoided incarceration.  Case eligible to be sealed.

Driving Under the Influence – white collar professional charged with a drug dui.  Client was a multiple offender and faced a mandatory license revocation and likely jail sentence.  VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial.  Client avoids revocation of drivers license, jail sentence, and all other potential penalties.

Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault – step-father charged with sexually assaulting his step-daughter. Facing up to 30 years in prison served at 100%. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. (Case now expunged)

Criminal Sexual Abuse – school teacher charged with sexually abusing young teenager. Facing prison sentence and lifetime registration as a sex offender. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after jury trial. (Case now expunged)

Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent Deliver – New York state resident charged in Will County with Intent to Deliver in excess of 2 kilo’s of cocaine. Facing up to 60 years served at 85%. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. (Case now expunged)

Computer Fraud and Forgery – White collar manager charged with multi-count felony indictment. Facing prison and loss of career. RESULT – CASE REDUCED to a MISDEMEANOR. Avoided any jail time, any felony conviction and remains employed in same capacity/position.

Driving under the Influence – repeat DUI offender involved in personal injury accident. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after jury trial. Maintains drivers license, career as real estate agent, and avoids jail.

Driving under the Influence – repeat DUI offender involved in property damage accident. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Maintains drivers license, union job, and avoids jail.

Domestic Battery – Mom charged with domestic battery against 14 year old son. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Avoids lifetime criminal conviction, 26 week domestic violence counseling and possible jail sentence.

Aggravated Reckless Conduct – Young man charged with firing handgun in direction of rival. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Avoids lifetime felony conviction, lifetime ban on firearm’s ownership, and jail sentence.

Driving under the Influence – General Contractor charged with his first DUI while speeding in a construction zone. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Avoids potential loss of driving privileges.

Driving under the Influence – Salesman charged with 3rd DUI and found with cannabis and paraphernalia. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after jury trial. Avoids mandatory revocation of driving privileges and lengthy jail sentence.

Aggravate Criminal Sexual Abuse – Local sports coach charged with sexual abuse of one of his players. Facing up to 15 years in prison and lifetime registration as sex offender. RESULT – CASE REDUCED to a MISDEMEANOR. Jail/prison time are avoided. Lifetime registration as sex offender avoided.

Driving under the Influence – Retired school teacher involved in 4th DUI arrest after personal injury accident. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after jury trial. Avoids prison sentence of 3-7 years.

Capital Murder – Death Sentence imposed after murder of 4 Custer Park residents. RESULT – REVERSED BY ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT. Client avoids death by lethal injection and obtains new sentencing hearing.

Domestic Battery – 62 year old woman charged with domestic battery after fight with roommate/sister over dispute about thermostat setting in house. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Avoids lifetime criminal conviction and mandatory domestic violence counseling.

Driving under the influence – corporate executive charged with second dui after taking breath test with a .10 result. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Client avoids mandatory revocation of driving privileges.

Delivery of a Controlled Substance – young man charged with Class X felony delivery of ecstasy pills to an undercover narcotics officer. RESULT – CASE REDUCED from mandatory prison offense to probation offense. Client received probation and avoided mandatory prison ranging from 6-30 years.

Financial Exploitation of Elderly – Search warrant executed at client’s home based upon judicial finding of probable cause to believe offense may have been committed. RESULT – NO CHARGES FILED as a result of numerous meeting with prosecutors and providing favorable defense evidence.

Driving under the influence – client charged with his second dui after stopped by Plainfield police department for driving offense. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Client avoids mandatory revocation of driving privileges.

Aggravated Driving under the influence – security officer with prior dui dispositions charged with felony dui after being involved in an accident causing injury to another driver. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after jury trial. Client avoids mandatory revocation of driving privileges, mandatory felony conviction and a sentence to the Illinois Department of Corrections.

Domestic Battery – medical professional charged with domestic battery to his wife, putting him at risk of loss of medical license. RESULT – CASE DISMISSED. Client continues to practice in his medical specialty and avoids mandatory criminal conviction.

Domestic Battery/Driving under the influence – medical professional charged with both domestic battery and driving under the influence. RESULT – CASE DISMISSED as to domestic battery. Verdict- Not Guilty after bench trial as to dui. Client avoids mandatory criminal conviction, potential sanctions to his medical license, as well as potential revocation of driving privileges.

Possession with Intent to Deliver – pharmacy assistant charged with Class 2 felony unlawful possession with intent to deliver prescription narcotics. RESULT – CASE REDUCED to a sentence that allows for deferred dismissal of all charges. Client avoids a felony conviction and a potential jail sentence.

Burglary – teenage client charged with a Class 2 felony burglary for vandalism and burglary to Silver Cross Baseball Field in downtown Joliet. RESULT – CASE REDUCED to misdemeanor. Client avoids a lifetime felony conviction and potential jail sentence.

Residential Burglary – twin brothers charged with breaking into a home and stealing several thousand dollars of the homeowners contents. Clients charged with Class 1 residential burglary mandating upon conviction a required minimum 4 year prison sentence. RESULT – CLIENTS RECEIVE PROBATION and avoid a prison/jail sentence. Additionally, with good behavior they will avoid lifetime felony convictions and can have their cases expunged.

Aggravated Driving under the influence – client with multiple prior dui dispositions charged with felony dui after being stopped by police for traffic violations. VERDICT – NOT GUILTY after bench trial. Client avoids mandatory revocation of driving privileges, mandatory felony conviction and a potential sentence to the Illinois Department of Corrections. Case has now been ordered sealed.

Aggravated Arson – owner of popular Naperville business charged with Aggravated Arson, a class X felony, based upon the fire and explosion of his business premises resulting in severe, permanent injuries to another.  RESULT – CHARGES REDUCED. Client receives probation and avoids jail or prison completely.

Aggravated Leaving the Scene of Injury Accident – former police officer charged with felony leaving the scene of an injury accident, a class 2 felony. RESULT – CLIENT RECEIVES TASC PROBATION and avoids any incarceration.  Also avoids a lifetime felony conviction with the case subject to dismissal upon successful completion of probation.

Resisting Arrest – candidate accepted into police academy charged with a mandatory conviction offense prior to academy enrollment.  RESULT – CASE DISMISSED. Client avoids any criminal repercussions and remains a viable candidate into the police academy.

Stalking – convicted felon charged with stalking a former girlfriend.  RESULT – CLIENT RECEIVES PROBATION. Avoids prison sentence requested by the prosecutor and victim.

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Client Testimonials

  • You were a steady and calming influence when we faced some extremely unsettling circumstances with our teenager who made a stupid decision and was arrested. Your knowledge of the laws and manner in court was very professional and assertive in representing us. You were encouraging to keep our hopes alive for a future for our son who was never in serious trouble before, yet upfront about what he ...

  • I used you twice for a DUI and for a domestic violence dispute. You were simply the best. I could not ask for anything more from such a great person and attorney....

  • You were an excellent lawyer in my case. There was always good communication and what you promised, you delivered. I would recommend you to any and all of my friends. Good job, Steven, and if I ever need you again, I have your number stored in my phone....

  • I made some huge mistakes and found myself in a world of trouble with felony charges. Thankfully, you took my case and after many trips to court, you secured probation without any formal conviction being entered (“a 410 probation”). This is the absolute best outcome I could have gotten and I am forever endebted for securing it for me.. Yoiu are well known and respected in the legal community a...