Individuals pleading guilty due to sentence-related coercion

Individuals pleading guilty due to sentence-related coercion

Individuals pleading guilty due to sentence-related coercion

On behalf of Law Office of Steven Haney posted in Drug Crimes on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 A report recently released by Human Rights Watch indicates that the Justice System regularly engages in coercion of federal drug defendants. Specifically, the report alleges that individuals arrested on charges of federal drug crimes are coerced into entering guilty pleas by various methods. Among the methods of coercion used by the Justice Department are threats of stacking charges against the defendants in order to increase potential incarcerationContinue reading

The Death of Brian Nelson

By Steve Haney posted in Sentence and Punishment on Monday, January 27, 2014 The death of Brian Nelson is a paradox that defines the word.  Brian Nelson is a former client of mine who was sentenced to death after being convicted by a Will County, Illinois jury of the brutal multiple murder of his former girlfriend, her brother, father and father’s girlfriend. Brian was convicted of entering the home of his former girlfriend and brutally murdering her in a jealous rage. Also atContinue reading

Court Mandated Drug Testing

By Steve Haney on Sunday, January 26, 2014 Court mandated drug testing for drug crimes is the norm in the jurisdiction where I practice, which is Joliet, Will County, Illinois.  A handful of years ago, it did not exist.  It has evolved to the point where ANYONE charged with a drug related offense will be required to mandatory drug test.  A positive test results in immediate incarceration.  An incarceration that, typically, lasts until a clean test occurs. Science dicates who statisically fallsContinue reading

In Squad Video – Advantage Defendant?

By Steve Haney posted in DUI on Saturday, January 25, 2014 Video equipped squad cars have become the norm.  More often than not, a dui arrest will be captured on a squad’s video camera.  Usually, the camera captures audio as well. Rarely, does the narrative of the police report match the actual event as witnessed through a camera lens and microphone.  A police officer’s narrative police report is his/her version of the encounter and, of course, written from a subjective point ofContinue reading

After sex offenders serve their time, should restrictions be so strict?

On behalf of Law Office of Steven Haney posted in Sentence and Punishment on Thursday, November 7, 2013 When individuals are convicted of criminal wrongdoing, it is the justice system’s responsibility to ensure that they are held accountable in ways that protect the public from a high risk of repeat offenses and in ways that reasonably discipline the convicted person. A staggering number of recent studies indicate that alternatives to incarceration, mental health counseling and transition assistance usually do the greatest goodContinue reading

Illinois woman will go to prison for stealing from Office Depot

On behalf of Law Office of Steven Haney posted in Criminal Defense on Friday, October 4, 2013 Although theft is not a violent crime, prosecutors in Illinois take theft charges seriously and the penalties for theft convictions can be very severe. A woman who was accused of stealing merchandise from her employer, an Office Depot in Carol Stream, was recently sentenced to more than four years in prison for the crime. A DuPage County judge also ordered her to pay $300,000 inContinue reading

New law in Illinois may help felons seal their criminal records

On behalf of Law Office of Steven Haney posted in Felonies on Sunday, September 22, 2013 Oftentimes, individuals who commit criminal acts at one point in their lives reform their ways and move forward to lead healthy, happy and productive futures. Unfortunately, when you are convicted of a criminal act, this incident ordinarily remains on your criminal record for the rest of your life. Even if your criminal act occurred so long ago that you can hardly remember what drove you toContinue reading

The practical consequences of tainted DNA evidence

On behalf of Law Office of Steven Haney posted in Criminal Defense on Monday, August 12, 2013 The New York Times recently published a story involving the murder of a California investor. Robbers bound and gagged him as they ransacked his home. The investor suffocated as a result of the tape used on his face to muffle his cries for help. When forensic investigators found DNA under the victim’s fingernails and placed the sample’s information into a DNA database, the individual whoseContinue reading